Who We Are

At Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Hillsboro, North Dakota, our mission is to Help people experience the love of God. We do this through:
- Welcoming everyone
- Proclaiming the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
- Being the hands and feet of God to fill the needs of our community and world
We share Word and Sacrament with those around and among us who need to know the good news of Christ and His love. Specifically, we have youth events, accept food pantry donations, and take part in community events.
We participate in global mission to spread God’s love around the world. Through home-grown, synodical, and churchwide projects, like 700 Mission, WELCA quilts, Foods Resource Bank, and Lutheran World Relief.
We feed a hungry world, both figuratively and literally. We walk with people through milestones of faith—births, baptisms, confirmations, weddings, end-of-life, funerals, and grief. We support The Backpack Program and serve meals to all.