Adult Learning

Tuesday Morning Bible Study
7-8 a.m. @ Subway, Hillsboro
All are welcome to come to Subway every Tuesday morning to study the Gospel lesson for the upcoming Sunday. It is a great way to start the week and makes Sunday’s sermon mean even more.
Wednesday Morning Men’s Fellowship
7-8 a.m. @ Subway, Hillsboro
Who doesn’t love breakfast? All men are invited to Subway for breakfast, coffee, fellowship, and some Bible study.
W.O.W Bible Study
Mondays, 9:00-10:30 a.m. @ OSLC Lounge
Women of the Word (W.O.W.) meets weekly on Monday mornings from October-May. This group uses a variety of books and Bible studies.
WELCA – Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
First Thursday of the month, 10:00-11:30 a.m. @ OSLC Dining Room
All women are welcome to participate in both the larger mission of the ELCA and the local mission of OSLC. Each month, we enjoy working on projects, having Bible study, and sharing a meal together.
WELCA makes quilts, then they are prayed over and donated locally, regionally, and internationally to important causes. WELCA also makes health kits, sewing kits, personal care kits, and collects glasses, stamps, and box tops and labels to benefit other organizations concerned with the welfare of people around the world.
OSLC has several music ensembles to enrich our worship experience, including:
- Senior Choir
- Our Savior’s Light (band)
- Joyful Noise (youth band)
- The Fire (band)
- Norwegian Sweater (band)
- Gosbells (handbells)
- Special Music – if you play and instrument or sing, please contact the church office. We would love to include your gifts in worship.